East Kilbride Rotary Club

On the 14th of Feb 2020 Ron James gave a DVD presentation of an event organised by the East Kilbride Roundtable back in 1991, this ended in a lot of laughing around the table at some of the scenes it took 3 years to put the event inplace at Stirling at a cost of £23000.

After an appeal from PP & Hon Member  Edwin Robertson on the 14th of Feb 2020 on behalf PP Andrew Ferguson  who was going to be involved in the Scottish Kilt Walk to raise funds for the East Kilbride Hospice. Those present at the lunch agreed to make a joint effort of support  involving the clubs charity Fund and members support. When this was agreed Edwin thanked everyone for their support and the decision they made
Edwin Robertson
On the 7th 0f Feb. 2020 our speaker was Brian Doig, from East Kilbride Dementia Carers Group.  The group, which will celebrate 30 years of service in December, provides day care for dementia patients as well as taking them for trips and outings.  The charity requires £57,000 this year to continue providing its services and has raised over £50,000 so far.  To give an idea of the scale of the problem, there are round about 90,000 sufferers in Scotland at the present time, and this number is predicted to double in the next generation.  There is such a demand for the group's services that they have had to close their waiting list.
Following a lively question and answer session Rotary President David Taylor had the great pleasure of presenting Brian with a cheque from the club for £1000.